Lake Mead

We will be taking a half day river rafting trip in the Black Canyon and having an astronomy night.

About the Trip

For this trip, OLA took a half-day river rafting trip in the Black Canyon and had an astronomy night. Our main goal was to have fun outside, but we also involved park staff in our activities so that participants had a chance to learn about what it’s like to work for the National Park Service and some of the amazing career opportunities with them. Our Lake Mead Trip involved easy camping at a campsite with accessible restrooms. It was a great introductory trip for individuals who aren’t very familiar or comfortable with the outdoors. Activities included a night hike on a historic railroad, nighttime activities such as soundscapes and bats in the area, as well as a day hike through white owl canyon where we could spot owl nests. Students also had the opportunity to learn from different park staff as to what roles they play in protecting the parks and sharing their research.